Heart & head
Thoughts on courage, understanding and empowerment
Nurturing everyday courage: Start with heart
NURTURING 'EVERYDAY COURAGE': START WITH HEART!If you’re having a tough time, it can be hard to keep trying; to keep moving and striving. When you feel discouraged, you might want to withdraw, get small, give up and not try any more – to protect your dwindling...
Are You Teaching Your Kids to Listen or Ignore You?
Photo by Benjamin Manley on UnsplashHave you ever said to yourself in a moment of desperation, “I JUST need them to LISTEN to me!” I know I did, in the early days of my parenting journey. My strategy at that point was: Repeat myself, calmly about 6 or 7 times, (giving...
Five Small Steps to Lead Your Family Through Big Changes
Credit: Photo by Joe Stubbs on UnsplashUPSIDE DOWN WORLD Seldom has our world be turned upside down so completely, as the last six or seven months. In many people’s lives, this has represented the first and only time that they have witnessed these kinds of world- and...
Self-care is not selfish!
Self-care... why? It's easy to get caught up in looking after the family, taking care of things at work and making sure the dog goes to the vet for her booster shots. Sometimes though, it is easy to forget to check-in with yourself and take care of your own needs.It...
Stop Trying So Hard, to Be a Good Parent!
Every parent wants to be a GOOD parent! We want to give our children the best start in life, the opportunities that we didn’t have, the chance to grow into the person that they are meant to be. We want to make sure that they don’t go without, or struggle with...
Start Where You Are…
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." - Arthur Ashe I love this quote. Starting is hard. It takes courage. There are so many ways to not begin, It is easier and safer, to just carry on doing the same old...