believe in yourself

Build your Courage,
believe you can handle whatever comes and that you’ve got what it takes to make your big ideas reality




Do you have a big idea or decision to make?

Something that’s so important, it’s always in your mind? Maybe so big it keeps you awake at night? 

You know you have to do something but you don’t know where to start or whether it’s the right thing to do…

Most of all, you’re not sure you can do it – Or that you’ve got what it takes to get the job done.

As small children, we were all about survival, learning early on, to do whatever worked, using trial and error as a gauge. Even if it only ‘sorta’ worked!

All we wanted was to feel safe, to belong and feel valued.

 Trouble is, you might still be using those same survival strategies now, even if they don’t always work so well, in your adult life!

 As the saying goes, “If you always do what you’be always done, you’ll always get what you always got.”

That doesn’t work for BIG ideas or BIG decisions!

Handling life needs courage – everyday courage.

We need to understand ourselves – what makes us tick and what we stand for.

We need to feel empowered – to know we can handle what comes and we need to know we’ve got what it takes to do what needs to be done. 

I can help with that.

When you’ve got BIG stuff to get sorted  and you feel stuck, you can get discouraged and start to question whether you’re up to it.

When you start thinking ‘I can’t handle it’, you start protecting what remains of your courage.

You play it safe – but it doesn’t feel safe at all – and it doesn’t get you anywhere!

Would you like some help with that?

What we need, to face challenges and solve the problems of life is to get back that belief that we belong and that we’re safe and that we have worth and value

And we can handle what comes.

That’s where the work begins…

Helping you on your quest

Hello, I’m Kim

Working for 20 years as an Adlerian therapist and more recently as a coach, I’ve found that the best transformations come from clients themselves, when they embrace their own innate courage and creativity.

Working alongside you, to help you ‘take heart’, we will engage in a playful but purposeful look at your skills and strengths and the ‘uniqueness’ of you.

  • Together, we will build your courage, so that you can face whatever life throws your way.
  • When you understand yourself deeply, you’ll have insight into your thoughts and feelings and feel more able to take the actions you want to take. 
  • You will recognise your that you have what it takes to do what needs to be done and that you can handle whatever life throws at you as you make your big ideas real. 

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 999 or visit your nearest hospital

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+44 776 720 5509

17 York Road, Bromyard, HR7 4BE

Heart inside heart, denoting "heart to heart" - having a meaningful conversation


York Road, Bromyard, Herefordshire


+44 776 720 5509

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